Ravishing Rick Haiku
History of Haiku: Although there were attempts outside Japan to imitate the old haiku in the early 1900s, there was little genuine understanding of its principles. In mid-2006, two White Poet Warlords discovered the science of haiku and fought to make it their own.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Modern Day Aphrodite

Goddess of rapture,
Your ass sunk a thousand ships
Mad About Your Thong
A Twister of cloth
Gender agrees: Your thong is
As Good As it Gets
Alone in a park
You are with me, cheetah thong
Crumpled jeans scream "why?"
Paul Reiser's fuck toy
I long to reach out and grab
Her sweet sweet sweet can
Nature's soft whisper
"Take off your blue jeans, Helen.
Let the leopard free"
Everytime he writes a column, a puppy goes to Hell

Do not click this link if you don't know who Chuck Klosterman is. You are not smart enough to get Chuck Klosterman's jokes. Humans are physically incapable of such action.
References to
Post-structuralists? I wretch.
Chuck, I hate your guts
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
I see injured 14 year olds
Prepubescent star
Nice 95 Saturn, Bro
Have fun in traction
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Schwarzkopf wants Holyfield!!

The "date" won't be blind
Though my speed will be blinding.
One on one Challenge.
Your jump shot is weak
Name the place and I'll be there
Can't stop my jump hook
No "Pistons" teammates.
My footwork? Impeccable.
You won't draw iron.
Everybody Hates
Chris and The War at Home? No.
Just you versus me
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Bumbling Stumbling Tumbling
Drunk, Sweaty, Hulking
Bhhmp. Bhhmp. Bhhmp.* I stalk my pray
I'm now with leather.
I take leather home
From behind. Pull out on her
Back Back Back Back Back
Looking for leather
Sausage Party?!?!?! How bout a
BJ, Bill Pidto?
*Editors note. These are the same noises that Mike Alstott makes on a 3 yard run up the middle.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Has it really been one year?

Allow me to break form for a moment.
We live in a world rife with uncertainty. With the threat of terrorism always looming above our daily lives, we face difficult decisions on how to manage our grief, but continue to press on. Is even one year too soon? How long should a society suffer in silence? At what point must we attempt to move on with our lives? These are all questions that would run through my head as I tossed and turned during countless sleepless nights over the past year. Has it really been a year since they almost took Omarion away from us? Sometimes I have good days, sometimes I have bad days, but I think it is finally time to discuss the tragic events of last year in a public forum. Below is my journal from the past twelve months. Please join me in honoring one of our true heroes and his triumph over the Axis of Evil.
July, 2005
Oh what a dark day.
Many lie dead in the streets.
Who cares? He's still fly.
August, 2005
Osama, nice try.
Your best shot. Hes still alive
B2K 4 life
September, 2005
Why must god be cruel.
Leave Omarion behind.
Take my only son
October, 2005
Tragedy? For Sure
Some say its not a big deal
Watch You Got Served
November, 2005
The war on terror
Its all too real now. Do not
Mess with R + B
December, 2005
Omarion is fine.
By the grace of God. But still,
Please pray for his soul
January, 2006
A bomb? Who died? Oh.
Is Omarion okay?
Whew! That was too close.
February, 2006
World's best publicist.
I demand to know his health!!
R and B lives on.
March, 2006
Hey you! Terrorist!
Take all of the Brits you want.
Leave Omarion.
April, 2006
Loud noise. Flash of light.
Panic. Chaos. My first thought:
How's Omarion?
May, 2006
Ask yourself, Saddam,
Seventy virgins are worth
No Omarion?
June, 2006
Omarion's Fine!!
What? Other folks in London?
Shut up, no one cares
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Ode to Big Johnson Part Deux
Cut off jean shorts. Check
Hat with a ponytail. Check.
Need Big Johnson T.